Future Entrepreneurs


Introduction to Entrepreneurship

The Introduction to Entrepreneurship introduces students to the methodologies used in startups globally: the value proposition and business model canvases. Students' progress through key stages from problem identification to ‘getting out of the building’. By the end of the program students will have experienced a full cycle of how to test a ‘business idea’.

Problem Ideas

Students will be guided through a series of activities to identify an everyday problem or opportunity that could be used to generate a new mini-startup.

Value Proposition

Using the Tech School Simplified Value Proposition canvas, students will explore the key drivers that motivate potential customers to desire a product or service.


Based on hypothesis results, students will then creatively come up with possible solutions to address the problem.


Students will create a prototype that incorporates earlier discoveries.


Students will have the opportunity to pitch to an internal panel of experts.



• I can identify problems or opportunities for a startup.

• I can use the value proposition to create and test a hypothesis.

• I can ideate solutions for my idea based on the findings from the hypothesis test.

• I can create a first-version prototype.

• I can create communication material to get my idea ‘out of the building’.

• Enterprise
• Digital Technologies
• Humanities
• Business Studies
• Creative Thinking
• Collaboration
• Critical Thinking
• Venture Design
• Prototyping
• Iterative Design
• Fusionist
• Innovation Manager
• Behaviour Prediction Analyst
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Student Startup Pre-Accelerator

The Pre-accelerator is multi-week program run over a term or semester. Students get custom support from tech school facilitators to iterate on their prototype, refine their marketing and test how desirable their solution is to their prospective customers.Students will have the opportunity to pitch to internal and/or external stakeholders or combine their showcase at a school marketplace or other showcase.
Prototype Iterations
Students will build out their prototype from concept to sketch to digital to production. They may be required upskilling in various tech for 3D printing, laser cutting, garment printing, game design or app design.
Testing their Idea
Students will complete the value proposition, business model canvas and conduct customer interviews and other surveying to discover if their problem and solution is desirable for their earliest adopters.
Students will create or update marketing materials, landing page, branding, posters, flyers or any other collateral required to validate their idea or display in their final showcase. They will have digital and print solutions at the Tech School to create a brand experience.
Students will have the opportunity to pitch to an internal panel of experts and exhibit their products/services at their school’s marketplace.
• I can run tests to validate my value proposition.
• I can iterate my minimum viable prototype.
• I can create and execute a go-to-market strategy.
• I can use the value proposition canvas and business model canvas.
• I can prepare and deliver a pitch


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Find Out More

If you have any further questions, please get in contact with us:

Banyule Nillumbik Tech School
61 Civic Drive,
Greensborough VIC 3088

Phone: 03 9269 1057
