Future Media: Content Creation, Audio, Visual


Future Media: Content Creation, Audio, Visual

Duration: 6 x50 min session

Step into the vibrant world of media with our Future Media Learning Experience. This program invites students to explore the realms of content creation, audio production, and visual storytelling. By engaging with modern media technologies and ethical considerations, students craft compelling narratives that resonate with global audiences. Perfect for aspiring content creators and media enthusiasts.

Student Outcomes
Students will:
  • Interpret the design brief/challenge
  • Investigate engineering in a humanitarian context
  • Define and document a problem
  • Examine and analyse appropriate solutions
  • Ideate, brainstorm, define, and map a solution proposal
  • Gain and extend Computer-Aided Design and prototyping skills
  • Prototype and test solution.
Curriculum Focus
  • Science
  • Geography
  • Mathematics
  • Digital Technologies
  • Design & Technologies